Prof. Kusum Arunachalam

Prof. Kusum Arunachalam, Professor

Faculty Photo Faculty Details
  • Education: M.Sc. (NEHU), PhD (NEHU : North Eastern Hill University, Shillong)
  • Email:
  • Phone: 0135-2533103
  • Area of Specialization/Interest: Microbiology, Restoration Ecology, Soil Plant Microbe Interactions, Forest Ecology & Biodiversity,Conservation, Climate Resilient Ecosystems, Traditional Knowledge
IRINS Profile
Awards & Honours:
  1. Young Scientist Award, Department of Science & Technology, 1997.
  2. Fellow of Tropical Ecology by International Society of Tropical Ecology, 2011.
  3. Commonwealth Youth Silver Award by Commonwealth South East Asia Secretariat, 2008.
  4. BOYSCAST Post Doctoral Fellowship at Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg,Germany, Department of Science & Technology, 2002.
  5. National Young Women Bioscientist Award by DBT, Department of Science & Technology, 2005.
Best Five publications in last five years:
  1. Balsubramanian, D., Arunachalam, K., Arunachalam, A. and A.K. Das, 2012, Decomposition and Nutrient release of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Under different trophic conditions in wetlands of the eastern Himalayan foothills, Ecological Engineering, 44, pp 111-122
  2. Roy S., Arunachalam, K., Dutta B.K., and A. Arunachalam, 2010, Effect of Organic amendments of soil on growth and productivity of three common crops, Applied Soil Ecology,, 45, pp 78-84
  3. Balasubramanian D., Arunachalam K., Arunachalam A., and A.K. Das, 2013,
  4. Balasubramanian D., Arunachalam K., and A. Arunachalam, 2013,
  5. Tangjang S., Arunachalam A., Arunachalam K., and Balasubramanian D, 2012, Earth worm cowdung and leaf residue alter soil physio-chemical and microbial properties in traditional agro-ecosystem of Arunachal Pradesh, Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol 50, pp 76-79
Ongoing Projects:
  1. Community driven, Climate Resilient Hill Farming in Village Ecosystems of NW Himalaya (Uttarakhand), 2012-2015.NICRA, CRIDA, Hyderabad. Funding Agency ICAR, duration 3 years, total funds: 33 Lakhs.
  2. Development of Medicinal Plant Garden in Doon University, Funding agency: HRDI, Duration 2 years, Total Funds: 20 Lakhs.
  3. Documentation of Traditional Knowledge in Central Himalayas for Sustainable Development. Funding Agency, DST, Duration 5 years, Total Funds: 49.33 Lakhs.
  4. Studies on carbon cycling and crop residue management for nutrient enrichment and sustainable production in hill agro ecosystems of Uttarakhand. 2012-15. Duration 3 Years; Funding Agency UGC, Total Funds: 10.65 Lakhs.